Moje wspomnienie z dzieciństwa
| Monika Dymek
W szkolnym konkursie języka angielskiego ogłoszonym z okazji Dnia Dziecka należało opisać swoje wspomnienie z dzieciństwa. Wyróżnienie otrzymała Amelia Putkowska z klasy 2TŻ. Gratulujemy!
A oto wspomnienie Amelii:
When I was six years old I went with my sister and parents to a zoo in Germany. It was the first time when I was abroad.The weather was very sunny and warm. I was very happy. When we got to the zoo, I saw how huge it is. I saw many animals there that I had never seen lbefore. I fed the elephant with peanuts. I took the snake in my arms. There was an artificial cow that could be milked. With my sister we were doing a competition who would be the first to milk it. I have nice memories of the trip.